Interesting blog by John Carmack

If the name of John Carmack does not ring a bell look for him with google. This writing is a plea for a functional style of programming. One of the benefits of pure functions is testability :wink: (you know I would come up with this)


Good that such an influential name is writing this. Hopefully more people will start avoiding the ā€œthe floor is changing below my feet constantlyā€ technologies and methodologies in general because they are not helping anyone except people who want to pad resumes and charge outrageous sums for consulting.

The trouble with C++ in this regard is the same as in JS: sure, a good amount of well-meaning programmers will adhere to strict practices and will avoid the potholes and thatā€™s an improvement by itself. But it doesnā€™t stop everyone else using the old ways of doing stuff.

Still, a very good start.

Ha, serendipitous! I couldnā€™t sleep last night and watched/listened to a three-hour QuakeCon talk by Carmack.

While the whole thing well worth watching, starting at about an hour in he goes into quite a lot of detail about his forays into Haskell and functional programming, as well as Lisp.

Could be that most of what he says is also in the article, but I found it nice to be able to listen to his experiences.

I had a couple of interviews for contractor positions during the last cou[ple of years and with allmost all of them I encountered what I see as an obsession with unit testing. The last Giving up on dynamic languages made me to give up elixir. Iā€™m learning haskell fulltime now, because the language interests me + to become better as programmer in general. I know at least one CTO in a company working with haskell that shares my vision on this unit testing obsession / agile, it might be that I will even get some work with this. Otherwise Iā€™ll see what I will learn after haskell. Good luck to all here, I learned a lot and became valuable answers on technical questions during the time I was developing my bpms. Maybe Iā€™ll post something now and then here, but my time with elixir has ended.

All the best on your new endeavor. You know I often disagreed with you on the topic of testing, but it is good to hear that you found an environment that better fits your preferred model of working with code.

Also, about the article you posted, interesting endorsement of functional programming by a C++ veteran. Good to see that different schools of thought are meeting and learning from each other.


And again a message, in the thread above, was hidden because flagged by someone here. This settles it. Iā€™m not posting anything anymore here. Good luck.