Invalid-feedback not working

I’m following documentation phx-feedback-for since I have:

Failing to add the phx-feedback-for attribute will result in displaying error messages for form fields that the user has not changed yet (e.g. required fields further down on the page).

And I tried exactly as documentation states, and some variation but did not achieved the desired result, i.e. error messages stll appear for unchanged fields.

Inspection of error tags after I make a change in the first field:

error user_last_name: {:safe,
     [32, "class", 61, 34, "invalid-feedback", 34],
     [32, "phx-feedback-for", 61, 34, "last_name", 34]
   [[[], "can" | "'"] | "t be blank"],
error user_email: {:safe,
     [32, "class", 61, 34, "invalid-feedback", 34],
     [32, "phx-feedback-for", 61, 34, "email", 34]
   [[[], "can" | "'"] | "t be blank"],
error user_terms_conditions: {:safe,
     [32, "class", 61, 34, "invalid-feedback", 34],
     [32, "phx-feedback-for", 61, 34, "terms_conditions", 34]
   "must be accepted",

How it looks:

In this example I used phx_feedback_for: field but I also tried phx_feedback_for: input_name(form, field) as stated in documentation and similar but that’s obviously not the issue.

What am I missing here?

Do you include the necessary css to hide those error messages? The error tags themselves are still meant to be rendered. Just to be hidden by css.

Yes, as it is stated in documentation, I added

.phx-no-feedback.invalid-feedback, .phx-no-feedback .invalid-feedback {
  display: none;

in to app.scss file. I also made rm -rf node_modules and npm i in assets just in case.

I lack knowledge so I’m not sure how is it triggered. Could I make something custom like?

Try to use the devtools to assert if the css rules are available as well as if your error messages (or their parent) do get the .phx-no-feedback class applied.

Thanks for the advice, I haven’t thought of utilizing devtools. Should have known better.

  def error_tag(form, field) do, field), fn error ->
      field_name = field |> Atom.to_string() |> String.capitalize() |> String.replace("_", " ")

      content_tag(:span, "#{field_name} #{translate_error(error)}",
        class: "block mt-1 text-sm text-red-700",
        phx_feedback_for: input_name(form, field)
      |> IO.inspect(label: "error #{input_id(form, field)}")


<span class="block mt-1 text-sm text-red-700 phx-no-feedback" phx-feedback-for="user[last_name]">Last name can't be blank</span>

It seems to me that the class is applied.? But to no effect…

The css is for .phx-no-feedback.invalid-feedback, .phx-no-feedback .invalid-feedback where .invalid-feedback is meant to be the class your error helpers render with. In the docs:

content_tag(:span, translate_error(error),
      class: "invalid-feedback",
      phx_feedback_for: input_name(form, field)

Yes. I already achieved this previously but thought it wasn’t good. But now I see that it is. It’s still not perfect but I think I can manage from here. Thank you for the guidance. Often my inexperience casts doubt which in turn leads me on a wrong path even when I’m on a good one. It’s good to reach out then, but since it’s weekend I couldn’t nag my coworkers so I made my first post here and I’m glad I did. :slight_smile: