Is anyone finding it difficult learning Elixir or Phoenix?

Contexts in Phoenix are still only about a year and a half old, so the definitive guide on how best to structure them in your app might not be written yet. Phoenix Inside Out, however, is a contender for the best current resource out there, in my opinion; not only because of the in-depth explanation of contexts and all things Phoenix, but because of the realistic walkthrough of building an e-commerce website using Test Driven Development and other Agile (or Extreme) Programming practices that you’ll encounter in real world projects, today.

@Kennethuy, you say that you’ve spent countless weeks consuming various resources, which is great! Have you heard of the book? I’ve spent a couple of years trying to consume everything Elixir and Phoenix, so I’ve had some time to weigh the choices. Even though there aren’t as many resources, compared to other languages/frameworks, there’s enough out there (most of it good) to keep you occupied and eventually prepared, as you keep putting what you learn to practice. Don’t give up! Search the forums for more recommendations and answers.