Is there a Rails :remote => true equivalent feature in Phoenix 1.3?

Is there a Rails :remote => true equivalent feature in Phoenix 1.3 (for form submission)?

There is no such thing in phoenix. Take a look at drab for a similar feature.

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On my app I’ve simply used the rails-ujs node package ( which gives you the remote features (among others).

Then all you need to do is set data: [remote: true] on your form_for and figure out if it was a “remote” request in the controller. This can be done simply by looking at the headers like so

case get_req_header(conn, "x-requested-with") do
  ["XMLHttpRequest"] -> true
  _ -> false

Drab might be a better fit but if you want to get Rails remote in your app this is a way to do it.


Unpoly.js as well.

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