Is there a sensible way to make ex_doc play nicely in the context of umbrella apps?

I got a question with regard to ex_doc and umbrella projects.

It seem like the way to do it is with

mix cmd mix docs

docs requires compilation so if I do that all of my sub-applications are recompiled into their own _build directory. On top of that all the common dependencies are also recompiled so I end up recompiling everything once per each app in the umbrella. Is there a sensible way to make ex_doc play nicely in the context of umbrella apps? Like compile or test do? I.e. single pass over each app and dependencies are not redone?

Note doing mix docs from the top level dir does not descend into the apps. So, I am kind of stuck with a slow process that does too much.

to answer my own question, the reason for recompile with

mix cmd mix docs

was a missing build_path setting in child applications. Once setup properly all works as expected.