I’m super curious to know what your use-case is here… do you just don’t want them showing up in ex_do? …do you want it completely out of the release? For releases, docs are stripped by default. If you don’t want them showing up in ex_doc you can add @doc false to the function. It’s possible neither of these are what you’re looking for, though.
Hello, the use case is because I want to generate it by myself with my library lazy_doc but my library detects if a function is not documented via Code.fetch_docs and the Liveview docs seems they are generated at compile time via attr and slot Macros.
So when I execute lazy_doc the file is already compiled with the Liveview docs so my library does not detect them as something to be generated.
@doc false is not a solution because my library also thinks when you encounter a @doc false you want hidden documentation so my library does not touch it.
Btw if you are curious, you can check my blog post about the library in my blog.