Is there a way to have Elixir Records without default values?


I am trying to find a cheap and easy way to create New Types in Elixir, and Records seem to be just what I would need.


However, Elixir records require one to define default values. Not only that, it also allows one to create empty records (which would then be populated with said default values).

For my specific use case, this is a problem. Not only don’t I have anything that can be used as a default value, I also don’t want to allow the users of my code to create empty records.

Now, I understand this is likely a well intended choice, most likely so it can interface nicely with Erlang records, but it causes an usability issue on my end: it allows the creation of non valid data.


I understand there is probably no solution for this conundrum using Records only, so I was wondering if there are alternatives in the wild of libraries or even hacks to accomplish this.

I personally have found nothing, right now I have the feeling my only solution is to write my own macro.

  • Is there a way to have Records not accept default values?
  • If not, what community libraries are out there that could help fulfill the role of creating a New Type?
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In my opinion focusing this on records is a red herring. In neither elixir nor erlang can you prevent non-native “datatypes” from being created without custom validation. You can always manually construct the lower level data directly used to represent higher level data. This applies to both records (custom user land types common in erlang) as well as structs (custom user land types common in elixir), but likely also any other option you could come up with using the native types we have. If there is a way I’d expect it to come with other downsides, like e.g. considerable runtime overhead.

Comparing this to approaches in statically typed languages (as you’ve been expressing in prev. posts) is imo not a great idea given their type system and specifically it being static is what makes many of those approaches possible/viable in the first place.

To be a bit more concrete in regards to records: Records are just a convention around tuples (first elem is an atom denoting the type) just like structs are a convention around maps (__struct__ key + small api defined by the struct modules). You can construct a user record manually by doing record = {:user, name} similarly to constructing a struct manually. Neither of both approaches is meant to prevent people from doing that (given it’s effectivly impossible to enforce).

So what are the alternatives? None if it’s about the compiler / code level enforced validation. But you can still have project level conventions of having your team call…) as the only valid way of constructing a type picking up violations e.g. in code reviews.


Thank you for your input!

So in your opinion, conventions are the key here, while trying to force this on Records would be a mistake. I see!

I would like to stay away from statically typed languages in this specific discussion (well, for as long as it is possible, what I mean is I dont want to turn this into a static VS dynamic type of thread).

I like to think about going more on the way of: “How can I help dialyzer easily find more errors?” NewType is a way of trying to deal with a specific class of bugs that dialyzer can’t detect. If there is another way that does not involve NewType, I am all ears.

I also understand that no matter what Macro I use, the user can always deep into the code and just build the data structures directly, which would be bad. So validation comes in to prevent that.

Interesting piece, I am happy you shared it !

You can take a look at MapSet. It deals with all of the questions you had. It’s not a native type, but is meant to maintain “set” properties. It does so by marking the internals as @opaque t::… to tell dialyzer nobody but the module itself may update values returned by the API and then basically expecting people to only supply valid mapsets for all the API receiving existing sets.

Edit: Also dialyzer will yell at you trying to modify internals of an opaque type return value. Doesn’t prevent the “created manually” case though afaik.



  1. Is there a way to have Records not accept default values?

No. This is not possible with Records. Records were never intended for this use case and forcing this abstraction into them would only complicate things. While one could use a wrapper new method, it would still be a lot of boilerplate and all the validation for type would be on the user.

  1. At the time of this writing, there are none. However, in another post I created a macro that achieves this purpose: How to define Macro for a new Type? - #10 by Fl4m3Ph03n1x

In that post I propose an API and then I refine it with the community’s help. For those of you who are curious, it can be used like this:


defmodule Type do
  import NewType

  deftype(Name, String.t())


defmodule Test do
  alias Type.Name

  @spec print(Name.t()) :: binary
  def print(name), do: Name.extract(name)

  def run_1 do
    # dialyzer complains !

  def run_2 do
    # dialyzer complains !

  @spec run_3 :: binary
  def run_3 do