Is there any difference between these two groups of Phoenix live routes definitions?

To me, there seems to be no difference, but I would like to confirm if I’m correct. If I am, please let me know if there are any considerations I should be aware of in your opinion. Could you please take a look? Thank you.

The first group contains a Plugs pipeline inside the live_session for the admin, while the second group has the Plugs pipeline outside the live_session but scoped to it. Here are the two code examples for reference:

First group:

live_session :admin, on_mount: MyAppWeb.AdminLiveAuth do
  scope "/" do
    # Plugs pipeline inside live_session
    pipe_through [MyAppWeb.AdminPlugAuth]

    # Live routes
    live "/admin", AdminDashboardLive, :index
    live "/admin/posts", AdminPostLive, :index

Second group:

scope "/" do
  # Plugs pipeline outside live_session but scoped to it
  pipe_through [MyAppWeb.AdminPlugAuth]
  live_session :admin, on_mount: MyAppWeb.AdminLiveAuth do  
    # Live routes
    live "/admin", AdminDashboardLive, :index
    live "/admin/posts", AdminPostLive, :index