Issues with assigns and push_events


I’m having some issues with getting a LiveView hook to fire when I assign things to the socket first. I have the following event handler in my live file (setup_live.ex):

def handle_event("save_personal_details", params, socket) do
  game_state = "setup_skills"
  socket = socket
  |> assign(:player, to_form(params))
  |> assign(:skills, to_form(@skills))
  |> assign(:game_state, game_state)
  |> push_event(
    %{player: params, game_state: game_state}

  {:noreply, socket}

In this case both params and @skills are just maps and will render correctly in a form (I mention this as I thought something may be going wrong with to_form but this doesn’t seem to be the case).

In a component I have a form with phx-hook="SetupPersonalDetails" and phx-submit="save_personal_details". So far so good, this event handler is called when I submit the form.

I then have a SetupPersonalDetails hook that looks like this:

export const SetupPersonalDetails = {
  mounted() {
    this.pushEvent("restore", {
      player: JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("player")),
      game_state: localStorage.getItem("game_state") || "setup_personal_details"

    this.handleEvent("submit_player_personal_details", playerPersonalDetails => {
      console.log('Updating player personal details...')
      localStorage.setItem("player", JSON.stringify(playerPersonalDetails.player))
      localStorage.setItem("game_state", playerPersonalDetails.game_state)
      console.log('Player name submitted')

The Problem

My hook never handles the submit_player_personal_details that’s emitted - unless I remove the assigns from my event handler. If I change my event handler in my live file to:

def handle_event("save_personal_details", params, socket) do
  game_state = "setup_skills"
  socket = socket
  |> push_event(
    %{player: params, game_state: game_state}

  {:noreply, socket}

in other words, remove the pipes into assigns, the JavaScript Hook runs and writes to localStorage correctly. What am I doing wrong here? I’m a bit of a Phoenix/Elixir novice, any help appreciated!

Can we see the relevant part of the template?

Sure, sorry that was an oversight on my part:

defp about_you(assigns) do
  <div class="p-2 m-2 w-1/2">
    <h2 class="text-xl sm:text-2xl font-bold text-center mb-4">About you...</h2>
      <.input type="text" field={@player[:first_name]} label="First name" />
      <.input type="text" field={@player[:last_name]} label="Last name" />
      <.input type="select" field={@player[:pronouns]} label="Preferred pronouns" options={[{"He/Him", "m"}, {"She/Her", "f"}, {"They/Them", "n"}]} />
      <.button type="submit">Next - Choose Your Skills</.button>

What happens if you assign after?

def handle_event("save_personal_details", params, socket) do
  {:noreply, socket
  |> push_event("submit_player_personal_details", {player: params, game_state: "setup_skills"} )
  |> assign(player: to_form(params), skills: to_form(@skills),  game_state: "setup_skills")}

No difference I’m afraid, the JS listener still never runs

Hmm, just a guess but could there be a race condition?

Instead of pushing that data from the server to the client via the mounted callback in client side hook, try pulling that data to the client from the server in that client side hook after setting up the client side event handler. You could also piggyback of the "restore" event and send that data then. This would ensure the client side hook is ready to receive the pushed event.

Could try the hook on the parent div too.

Putting the hook on the containing div solved the issue. As @codeanpeace says I suspect it was a race condition, as I’m also using the restore event to assign data from local storage. I haven’t had much time to properly investigate it but seems that was the cause, thanks all!