James Edward Gray II, US remote — 20 years web development and management experience

My name is James Edward Gray II (JEG2 on various parts of the interwebs) and I’ve been building web applications for over twenty years now. For the last ten years I’ve been managing web development teams.

I live in Edmond, OK but have worked remote for companies across the United States and Europe. I’m looking for remote work at this time, with a preference for Central US hours.

I have ten years of experience with Elixir. I’m an OTP expert and have co-authored a book about it with Bruce Tate. I really enjoy working with the BEAM and hope to find an opportunity to keep doing so. Before Elixir I was heavily involved in the Ruby community for over ten years. I’m familiar with around a dozen other languages.

I’m passionate about using good architecture to reduce tech debt in builds and keep software more manageable. I really value deep collaboration with product teams and using those relationships to discover the right things to build. I’ve worked with a coach for a few years and I enjoy managing teams, but I’m also open to Principle Engineering roles.

If you would like to talk to me about what I can do for your company, feel free to send a private message or email.

Email: james@graysoftinc.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-edward-gray-ii/
Github: JEG2 (James Edward Gray II) · GitHub