José announces Livebook - a web application for writing interactive and collaborative code notebooks

I really liked Livebook after watching a talk by Jonatan Klosko.
I created a video with a small example:


The widget work is great; I have not worked on GGity for awhile but felt like looking into Livebook more today, and I quickly learned how easy it is to integrate any charting/graphics library.

I cooked this up in a couple of hours and honestly it is already more effective than the ExDoc examples I slaved over for days. I can also see it being useful for testing something with visual output that you can’t usefully check just by comparing actual and expected binaries.

Now if I can just figure out how to get EXLA to compile, I’ll really be in business.

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I would like to have the color scheme of the code in my Livebook in Visual Studio Code. Is it available?

Thanks @srowley - finally got around to trying it with contex. Your recipe works, but looks like I need to embed some font styling. Pretty cool though!


Any idea how can I have the same theme/colors in VSCode as in Livebook? Is it an existing theme or something custom?