Jose's Example Code From 2023 Keynote

Ok, I really feel dumb for having to ask this but I’m very curious.

In Jose’s keynote he showed this example of why the new type implementation won’t prevent certain bugs:

def left and right do
  Enum.random([left, right])

So just to see if he was just making something up to make his point I tried it in iex and sure enough–there’s an “and” function. What puzzles me is how is it that “left” isn’t the name of the function? Can someone help a confused fellow to understand how it’s possible to have arguments before and after the name of the function?

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It makes more sense if you look at the AST created by a def like that:

iex(2)> quote do
...(2)>   def left and right do
...(2)>     :ok
...(2)>   end
...(2)> end

{:def, [context: Elixir, import: Kernel],
   {:and, [context: Elixir, import: Kernel],
      {:left, [if_undefined: :apply], Elixir},
      {:right, [if_undefined: :apply], Elixir}
   [do: :ok]

which looks exactly like a definition of a function:

iex(3)> quote do
...(3)>   def foo(left, right) do
...(3)>     :ok
...(3)>   end
...(3)> end

{:def, [context: Elixir, import: Kernel],
   {:foo, [context: Elixir],
      {:left, [if_undefined: :apply], Elixir},
      {:right, [if_undefined: :apply], Elixir}
   [do: :ok]

However, the parser doesn’t allow a function to be named a reserved word:

iex(4)> quote do
...(4)>   def and(left, right) do
...(4)>     :ok
...(4)>   end
...(4)> end

** (SyntaxError) iex:5:22: syntax error before: ')'
  5 |   def and(left, right) do
    |                      ^

To add to it, it’s how you define infix operators in Elixir, for example:

def foo <~> bar do
  # ...

There are a set number of infix operators, you can’t just make them up, though I can’t remember where they are listed right now (sorry).

A quick way to try out the and version is like this:

defmodule Foo do
  import Kernel, except: [and: 2]

  def left and right do
    Enum.random([left, right])

  def test do
    "foo" and "bar"



Thanks all for the explanations! That makes it much clearer!

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