Keeping Ecto schemas out of the web layer

I find that much of what’s written about using Contexts focuses on abstracting away Ecto Repo operations, but will still end up returning Ecto schemas as results, leaking them into the web layer. In a personal web app I’m working on, I’ve found it helpful to enforce that this doesn’t happen by using embedded schemas at the boundaries of contexts.

I’ve landed on an approach where I will model each context as a RESTful API resource with an embedded schema describing its shape. Each context implements a Resource behavior that requires callbacks to specify the base query, query filters, and handlers for CRUD operations.

I’d love for others to chime in with how they approach this problem, or if they see it as a problem at all.

Here’s a simplified example of a resource in my app to illustrate what I’m talking about. Being declarative in this way has been helpful for me as resources get more complicated. For example, I find that extending a resource often just requires minimally updating a base_query and map_query_result.

defmodule App.Account do
  use Ecto.Schema

  use App.Resource,
    schema: App.Schemas.Account

  import Ecto.Query
  import Ecto.Changeset

  alias __MODULE__
  alias App.Repo
  alias App.Schemas

  embedded_schema do
    field :name, :string
    field :is_active, :boolean, default: true
    field :current_balance, Money.Ecto.Amount.Type
    field :available_balance, Money.Ecto.Amount.Type

  @impl true
  def base_query() do
    from a in Schemas.Account,
      left_join: b in assoc(a, :balance),
      preload: [balance: b],
      order_by: :name

  @impl true
  def map_query_result(result) do
      is_active: result.is_active,
      current_balance: result.balance.current,
      available_balance: result.balance.available,

  @impl true
  def handle_query_params(args, q) do
    case args do
      {_, nil} -> q
      {:id, val} -> where(q, id: ^val)
      {:name, val} -> where(q, name: ^val)
      {:is_active, val} -> where(q, is_active: ^val)

  @impl true
  def handle_change(account, params, _action) do
    |> cast(params, [:name, :is_active])
    |> validate_required([:name])
  @impl true
  def handle_create(params, changeset) do
    # You can put custom logic here to transform the params before
    # it's passed to the default handler, which will just update
    # the backing schema. You can omit this callback altogether to
    # use the default functionality.
    super(params, changeset)

  @impl true
  def handle_update(id, params, changeset) do
    # Same as above here
    super(id, params, changeset)

And with a use macro, the resource could be used like this:

Account.list(name: ..., is_active: ...)
Account.get(name: ...)

# returns the new account if valid, a changeset with errors otherwise

# returns the new account if valid, a changeset with errors otherwise
Account.update(account, %{...})

# useful for forms to preview validations

It’s definitely not as powerful as Ecto, but I find that this is kind of the point. By hiding the expressivity and power of Ecto behind a structured interface, I’m better able to focus on designing robust, reusable entities for the web layer. My setup has a few holes and limiting assumptions (such as assuming that resources have an id primary key), but hopefully you get the idea :slight_smile:

I approach it a little bit different. I decouple the database from the business logic. The persistence layer is used like a library which the core business logic layer depends on. You pass it core data structures and it persists them. It doesn’t return Ecto structs but can return errors if the situation requires it.

That honestly doesn’t seem too far from my approach. My approach presumes that the core resources are in some way backed by a database, but I could imagine that it could be implemented to not be the case. Some resources in my app look very different than their Ecto schema and updates aren’t just simple 1-1 updates to the underlying schema. For example, I have a Merchant resource (all Transactions reference a Merchant), and when the Merchant is renamed to one that already exists, it will re-write all its Transactions to point to the new Merchant and delete itself, rather than just throwing a unique constraint violation error:

defmodule App.Merchant do

  @impl true
  def handle_create(%{name: name}, changeset) do
    # This callback needs to just return the ID of the underlying schema
    # and it will take care of returning a resource with the populated fields
    existing_merchant =
      |> where(name: ^name)

    case existing_merchant do
      %Schemas.Merchant{id: id} ->
        {:ok, id}

      nil ->
        super(%{name: name}, changeset)

  @impl true
  def handle_update(id, %{name: new_name}, changeset) do
    # Same as above here
    existing_merchant =
      |> where([m], != ^id and == ^new_name)

    case existing_merchant do
      %Schemas.Merchant{id: new_id} ->
        |> where(merchant_id: ^id)
        |> Repo.update_all(set: [merchant_id: new_id])

        Repo.delete!(%Schemas.Merchant{id: id})

        {:ok, new_id}

      nil ->
        super(id, %{name: new_name}, changeset)
