KinoComponent - Render Phoenix function components in Livebook

KinoComponent enables rendering Phoenix function components directly in Livebook. It’s ideal for experimenting with, documenting or creating a playground for components. I’m currently using it to create a Storybook-like experience within Livebook.

Key Features

  • Seamlessly render Phoenix function components in Livebook cells
  • Great for interactive component development and live documentation
  • Supports rapid prototyping and UI experimentation

Check it out on GitHub and feel free to contribute or give feedback!





This looks awesome, I’m excited to give it a spin.

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Hey, I started a project that is somewhere in between KinoComponent and Storybook called KinoLiveView. Currently, you can run it in standalone mode which gives you the ability to style components with Tailwind. I’m going to be working on an embedded mode that will allow you to pick up the style of the underlying application. Right now it just works with function components, but I’m going to add live components as well. Would be interested in collaborating: GitHub - anthonyshull/kino_live_view: A kino for rendering fully-styled function and live components in Livebook