Ciao all,
i wanted to share with the fantastic elixir community, a small project that i will work on my hackweek and freetime.
This project go in the direction of chaoss, ( ), which i great topic that passionate me like elixir.
Since i’m a newbie with elixir-lang and phoenix is a great project to getting started.
At moment there is not much there because is under dev, but there is roadmap.
Since it is opensource feel free to contribute or use it once it go to 1.0 Release.
Ciao have fun,
for everybody that is expert in elixir, feel free to review the code.
At moment i’m working on the jenkins data retrival:
I think i have some OOP anti-pattern in my brain so it might be not enough functional.
If you have any feedback feel free to open issues ! keep learning
defmodule Kubeojo.Jenkins do
require HTTPoison
import Ecto.Query
@moduledoc """
Kubeojo.Jenkins retrive tests-failures.
@options [ssl: [{:versions, [:"tlsv1.2"]}], recv_timeout: 500_000]
# this write data to db, pro jobname and jobnumber
@spec write_tests_failures_to_db() :: none()
def write_tests_failures_to_db do, fn jobname ->
all_builds_numbers_from_jobname(jobname) |> tests_failed_pro_jobname_to_db
defp all_builds_numbers_from_jobname(job_name) do
url = "#{Kubeojo.Yaml.jenkins_url()}/job/#{job_name}/api/json"
headers = set_headers_with_credentials()
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the project is part of opensuse hackweek