Hi, I’m George Arrowsmith - you may remember me from such educational Elixir content as Phoenix on Rails.
I’m really pleased to announce my new course. Learn Phoenix LiveView is the comprehensive tutorial that teaches you how to build a realistic, complex, fully-featured LiveView app from scratch.
Like Phoenix on Rails, it’s a written tutorial. Unlike Phoenix on Rails, it’s for everybody, not just Rails developers. It’s suitable for the total Phoenix beginner, so it covers the full stack including Ecto, not just LiveView UIs.
I designed this course to be realistic. There’s no “foo”, no “bar”, no “widgets” - you’ll build a realistic and fully-featured Slack clone. Along the way you’ll be introduced to every LiveView concept I could think of: if you can build this in LiveView, you can build anything.
Table of contents
- Installation
- mix phx.new
- Directory structure
- Environments & config
- Phoenix.Router
- HEEx
- Layouts
- Ecto.Migration
- Schema and Repo
- mount/3
- mount/3 is called twice
- Events
- update/3
- Function components
- Path params and routes
- link/1
- handle_params/3
- Contexts
- Page titles
- Ecto.Query
- Changesets part 1
- Changesets part 2
- Forms part 1
- Forms part 2
- Flash
- Uniqueness validations
- Rate limiting
- phx.gen.auth
- Messages
- Associations and preloading
- Sending a message
- Seeds
- Streams
- External dependencies
- Timezones
- Deleting messages
- Tailwind groups
- Processes
- handle_info/3
- PubSub
- Hooks
- Phoenix.Presence part 1
- Phoenix.Presence part 2
- Room index page
- many_to_many
- Room memberships part 1
- Room memberships part 2
- stream_configure
- Toggle membership
- ‘New messages’ divider part 1
- ‘New messages’ divider part 2
- Static files
- Asset compilation
- Unread message count
- Phoenix.LiveView.JS
- Modals
- New room form
- Live action
- Phoenix.Component
- use
- ok/1 and noreply/1
- Usernames
- Auth pages
- The User schema
- User registration
- User sessions
- UserAuth
- Plug and pipelines
- Endpoint (HTTP)
- Endpoint (websockets)
- Authentication & Authorization
- on_mount
- live_session
- Date dividers
- Live components part 1
- Live components part 2
- User profile
- File uploads part 1
- Global attributes
- File uploads part 2
- File uploads part 3
- Threads part 1
- Threads part 2
- Threads part 3
- Threads part 4
- Threads part 5
- Pagination (limit-offset)
- Dependency conflicts
- Pagination (cursor-based) part 1
- Pagination (cursor-based) part 2
- Reactions - UI
- Reactions - data model
- Reactions - event handling
- Reactions - JS picker
Learn Phoenix LiveView costs $79. But you can use the code ELIXIRFORUM2024 for a $10 discount (valid until 23.59 UTC on Wednesday 4th Sep.)
Sign up today at PhoenixLiveView.com.
(Yes, that domain was available. I couldn’t believe it either.)