Learning Elixir, frst impressions ( plz don't kill me ! )

Yep, took it. I am now reading an Elixir book ( Which book to read? - #7 by peerreynders ) and I am starting to think that Erlang / Elixir might have been what I have been looking my whole life as a backend developer but never knew existed.

And now that I made my piece with Erlang / Elixir and see it for what it truly is ( concurrency oriented programming language with some FP features ) I am rather excited :smiley:

This is mainly thanks to Python’s prominence int he field of AI, a battle ruby lost long ago.
Also, nice list, thanks !

This is exactly how I felt. Still, now I want to learn Elixir’s strengths and I think I will love them. I have already starting to read a book and it sure sounds convincing!

As I have stated before, I now understand that my expectations played quite a role here. Now I understand Elixir’s main purpose and I am already on the learning wagon :smiley: