Which book to read?

Given all the parameters I firmly point you in the direction of Elixir in Action 2e. It moves at a brisk pace while treating it as a BEAM language (rather than as a FP Ruby knockoff), gets into process thinking while sprinkling in a little bit of OTP.

Here are the details with regards to the forum discount.

But I am not really new to FP so I am not sure if this is a good purchase for me.

Get through EiA2e first and continue with exercism. If after finishing the book and watching the Erlang master classes exercism still gives you trouble then it is likely a good purchase.

If you need a quick Erlang primer check out chapter 2 of Designing for Scalability with Erlang/OTP in the free sample on play.google.com - if there are any other gaps fill them in with the appropriate sections of Learn You Some Erlang.

  • Simon Thompson is one of the key people (pulling in people like Francesco Cesarini, Joe Armstrong, etc.) behind the University of Kent content - he teaches Haskell and Erlang and is the Author of Haskell: the Craft of Functional Programming and coauthor of Erlang Programming. For my overview of the Universty of Kent MOOCs see (Part 1) and (Part 2).

For some other meandering thoughts on reading order see: When learning, what order of books did you start with?