Has anyone successfully deployed a clustered Phoenix 1.7 app on render.com recently? I’m having trouble getting it working and their support hasn’t responded any of the channels I’ve used to try and get help.
Here’s my situation –
I’m on Elixir 1.14.3/OTP 25.2 and running Phoenix 1.7.0-rc2,and libcluster 3.3.2.
The issue was on my end. I was using the bin/app_name start without setting the PHX_SERVER=true env var. I should have been using the bin/server command to start the app, which sets that env var automatically.
Here’s my fork of the render example clustering app, running in clustered mode on phoenx 1.7.0.rc-2 for anyone who may find it useful: GitHub - ian-darby/elixir_cluster_render_example: Distributed Elixir Cluster on Render with libcluster and Mix Releases