Hello, I am working on a Phoenix app that needs to work with a few different languages. I really appreciate that gettext works out of the box. It is a nice experience. I was just wondering if there is a list of default ecto changeset errors? I have been translating the errors as I see them come up in my forms (ex: “can’t be blank”) but I think I may be missing some that might come up in the future. Would be cool to have a repo with translations for different laguages so we don’t all have to do this ourselves everytime. I would contribute for sure!
Now I realize that if you generate a phoenix app it comes with this file but because have an umbrella app and I generated my phoenix project with --no-ecto it didn’t have it. Later I added ecto for form validations but I still kept the database in another app. Anyway thanks for the answer!!
@karang You were asking about a repo that has translations to other locales, right? Like
# in es/LC_MESSAGES/errors.pot
msgid "can't be blank"
msgstr "no puede estar en blanco"
I was just wondering the same thing - does such a repo exist? It seems silly for every app that uses Elixir to repeat the work of translating these standard messages into N languages.
I just created a repo, elixir_common_i18n, to get things started.
Hey, that’s great! I stumbled upon this thread and your repo while searching for Ecto error message translations.
Dutch (NL) translations pull request should be ready to merge.