LiveAdmin - Phoenix admin UI built on LiveView

0.8 is still in progress but, just a quick note because I have gotten a few questions and bug reports about this:

I have published a few bugfix releases so if you have encountered issues on 0.7.0, especially related to Phoenix/LV deps, I would recommend updating to 0.7.3. As any of you using LV in your own apps know by now, recent versions of Phoenix core libs contain a lot of changes to dependencies and several of them affect LiveAdmin.

In particular, if you are trying to use LiveAdmin with LV 0.18.x and/or Phoenix 1.7.x, please make sure to make these 2 adjustments to your Phoenix app:

  1. Ensure route helpers are still enabled by removing helpers: false option from use Phoenix.Router if necessary (should only apply to apps created with 1.7)
  2. Ensure you are including phoenix_view in your deps

If you have completed both of those steps and are still encountering errors with LiveAdmin, feel free to open a new issue–but please use the bug report template with as much info as possible as these problems can be very hard to track down without adequate info. :pray:

Even better, if you are feeling brave try out the changes in main which should have better compatibility with Phoenix 1.7, obviating the need for the 2 step patch above. :muscle:

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