Livebook Mac app: Failed to connect runtime - Elixir terminated unexpectedly


I just installed the Livebook mac app. But I can’t connect runtime from the runtime settings (Elixir standalone) or every time I try to run some code, I have this error : “Failed to connect runtime - Elixir terminated unexpectedly” . Is there any specific settings for Mac to use Livebook?


I have the same problem with local installation (mix dev.setup and mix phx.server) on my mac (Intel CPU).
I have elixir 1.14.2 (OTP 25). When I run mix test, this test failed :

> `test Runtime.disconnect/1 makes the node terminate (Livebook.Runtime.ElixirStandaloneTest)
>      test/livebook/runtime/elixir_standalone_test.exs:32
>      match (=) failed
>      code:  assert {:ok, %{node: node} = runtime} = |> Runtime.connect()
>      left:  {:ok, %{node: node} = runtime}
>      right: {:error, "Elixir terminated unexpectedly, please check the terminal for errors"}
>      stacktrace:
>        test/livebook/runtime/elixir_standalone_test.exs:33: (test)`

I closed my laptop to do something else. And when I reopened it, the app and the local installation now work.