Hi everyone.
LiveView is pure magic, I’m really impressed.
Has the team considered using the approach for mobile apps as well?
Things have changed quite a bit, and now the declarative UI for mobile apps is a lot more possible.
The fact that mobile platforms use different languages (Kotlin and Swift, at least) makes server-side rendering twice as attractive - because you don’t have to use the platform-specific language.
you have elixir-desktop elixir-desktop · GitHub which is running elixir on the device/computer and showing a webview…
then you have LiveView Native: https://native.live - which is liveview rendered native app - still early days here…
it’s been more than alluded multiple times that in the future liveview native might go the route of running elixir on the device and rendering native ui that way (instead of from the server, for low latency/offline etc)…