LiveView Modal on demand?

Parts of my UI are shared between many pages as a modal (for example, a search dialog or a popup to switch accounts). I could render them on each page in case they are needed (ie: the user choose the menu option) using a LiveView component but that seems somewhat wasteful. Is there a mechanism to dynamically load a modal, similar to the way you’d load an html frame but without the downsides?

LiveComponents are mini process and are light weight.
If you are controlling the modal with :if conditions, i don’t think there would be any extra overhead.
The modals would only show up when required, no extra memory consumed when not needed.

Thank you Sreyans, that’s a very interesting and somewhat ideal answer! If there is really no downside, I wonder if it would make sense to put nearly the entire app in one LiveView, building it using components.

If the app is small and has just one URL endpoint you could.
If not you would need multiple live views.