Logout buttons for Bootstrap or Bulma <nav> elements

I can’t get a Logout button (or plain link) to look good in either a Bootstrap or Bulma navbar. My general question is: how do you make a <form> that wraps an <a class="button"...>...</a> render the same as the <a> alone?

Per the Phoenix book, logging out is done with:

link("Log out", to: session_path(conn, :delete, current_user)

… producing something like:

<form action="/sessions/4" class="link" method="post">
      <input name="_method" type="hidden" value="delete">
      <input name="_csrf_token" type="hidden" value="JBxGTxkhJX09aUM+IjEVNwQHFF8jEAAAbPi+AtgRE+5sMuDRLfFmjg==">
      <a data-submit="parent" href="#" rel="nofollow">
      Log out</a>

I can’t figure out how to wrap this or adorn it with class= such that it works across devices.

For example, I can get Logout to look right with Bootstrap in a wide window, but I get a misaligned entry in a phone-sized window:

In Bulma, which seems pretty nice, the result of:

        <span class="nav-item">
          <form action="/sessions/4" method="post">
            <input name="_method" type="hidden" value="delete">
            <input name="_csrf_token" type="hidden" value="JBxGTxkhJX09aUM+IjEVNwQHFF8jEAAAbPi+AtgRE+5sMuDRLfFmjg==">
            <a class="button" data-submit="parent" href="#" rel="nofollow">
              Log out
          <a class="button is-info">
            Sign up

… is buttons with no space between them in wide view:

… whereas two plain <a class="button"...> tags have a nice gap between them. (There’s a different problem in layout view.)

I’m getting too close to giving up on any server-side rendering and doing everything in Elm on the client side. Save me from myself!

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Re Bootstrap, what does your HTML look like?

Re Bulma, there is no space between the buttons because the rule that adds it expects .nav-item .button + .button:

.nav-item .button + .button {
    margin-left: 10px;

Something like this should work:

<a class="button is-info" style="margin-left: 10px;">Sign up</a>
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Thanks. That fixes the buttons when the media is desktop, but when it’s phone-like narrow, the form button doesn’t expand to fill the width as the non-form button does.

Which is OK. I was mainly curious to see whether there’s a documented set of tricks that I could use. I suspect that I’ll just have to become more competent in CSS.

This may not help you in this scenario, but I discovered yesterday that you can supply a block to the link helper function. This allows you to provide any HTML within the generated form and link element.

   <%= if @current_user do %>
      <span class="nav-item">
        <%= link to: auth_path(@conn, :delete), method: :delete, class: "button" do %>
          Log out
        <% end %>
    <% end %>
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Not sure if that would help. The key issue, it seems to me, is that link sometimes expands into a simple <a> tag and sometimes into a <form> that contains <a> tags. Things like class attributes passed to link are attached to the <a>, but sometimes they should be attached to the <form> for layout to work right.

Did you know that you can customize the form? For example, this:

<%= link("Delete",
    class:  "btn btn-danger btn-xs",
    data:   [confirm: "Are you sure?"],
    form:   [foo: "bar"],
    method: :delete,
    to:     match_path(@conn, :delete, match)
) %>

Produces this:

<form action="/matches/272" class="link" foo="bar" method="post">
    <input name="_method" value="delete" type="hidden">
    <input name="_csrf_token" value="NTBAERxxSicQAWcQEnQKMQRdNx4GAAAAsv5csE/fCpUdeMbekrrK1w==" type="hidden">
    <a class="btn btn-danger btn-xs" data-confirm="Are you sure?" data-submit="parent" href="#" rel="nofollow">Delete</a>

Yes. The difficulty is that doesn’t attach classes to the <form>. However, wrapping it in an appropriate <span> is doing the trick:

      span class: "nav-item is-tab" do 
        link("Logout", to: v2_session_path(conn, :delete, v2_current_user),
          method: "delete", class: "button button-primary nav-item")

It will. :slight_smile:

I used form: [foo: "bar"] in that example but form: [class: "is-tab nav-item"] works, too.

Well, whaddya know. Thank you!