Looking for Elixir OTP Experts to conduct mock interviews for our meetup group


We are a group of junior and mid and senior level Elixir developers, mostly from India.
We believe in learning by sharing knowledge.

We are revising our OTP concepts these days.
We e-meet twice a week for 30 minutes… Over a zoom meeting, share screen writing code in iex console, discuss.
Already conducted 4 sessions… discussed Process, link, monitor, Task

Its an open mic where we discuss what might be happening (ex: why mailbox is empty, etc) and why… someone answers and we get a new learning. Pre-plan a speaker n topic and pre-requisite reading link and send it to attendees.

We are looking for a guest who will conduct mock interviews or ask us questions and if we are unable to answer then explain us the concept. Maybe a Guest every two weeks?

You can mail me on sandesh.soni@songpoem.com if you wish to help us.

Thank you