I recently created the ‘about’ library that adds non-specific topics to the help system for iex.
This is a request for what topics you would find helpful here. The idea is to include a range of useful lookup information within iex so that you can go h About.topic
and get more details.
Do you mean something like
h About.let_it_crash
h About.phoenix_context
h About.gen_server
h About.what_is_About_about
# etc
If so, you can probably get some ideas from erlang and elixir docs as well as:
Those are exactly the kind of suggestions that I was looking for.
Are there other pieces of useful reference information that you should expect to have to hand?
So far it includes:
defaults/0 formatting_code/0 help/0 naming_conventions/0
pipeline/0 regex/0 sigils/0 websites/0
plus About.Types
atom/0 boolean/0 float/0 integer/0 list/0 string/0
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A few that come to mind in no particular order
- supervisor
- otp
- testing
- benchmarking
- datetime
- coding_style
- structs
- type_specs
- protocols
- iex
- debugging
- profiling
- pattern_matching
- exception_handling
- sigils
- distributed_erlang
- processes
- guards
- file_system
- async_tasks
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I can make a start with most of these but may need help on some details.
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About library is now at version 0.0.5
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