Looking for help with context implementation (for polymorphic associations)

Many of my schemas can be considered to have a Feed, so I followed the many-to-many recommendation for polymorphic associations.

I want to be able to list feed items, create posts of different types, delete posts of different types from a single interface. My initial thought was to make a Feed protocol, so I’ve been going down this path:

defmodule Hydroplane.Feeds do
  alias Hydroplane.Feeds.Feed

  def list_feed_items(feedable) do
    Feed.list_posts(feedable) ++ Feed.list_polls(feedable)

  def create_post(feedable, author, attrs) do
    Feed.create_post(feedable, author, attrs)

And the Feed protocol is here:

defprotocol Hydroplane.Feeds.Feed do
  def list_posts(feedable)
  def list_polls(feedable)
  def create_post(feedable, author, attrs)

defimpl Hydroplane.Feeds.Feed, for: Hydroplane.Initiatives.Initiative do
  import Ecto.Query
  alias Ecto.Multi

  alias Hydroplane.Repo
  alias Hydroplane.Initiatives.Initiative
  alias Hydroplane.Feeds.{Post, Poll}

  def list_posts(initiative) do
    query =
      from(p in Post,
        join: ip in "initiative_posts",
        on: p.id == ip.post_id,
        join: i in Initiative,
        on: i.id == ip.initiative_id,
        where: i.id == ^initiative.id

    |> Repo.all()
    |> Repo.preload(:author)

  def list_polls(initiative) do
    query =
      from(p in Poll,
        join: ip in "initiative_polls",
        on: p.id == ip.poll_id,
        join: i in Initiative,
        on: i.id == ip.initiative_id,
        where: i.id == ^initiative.id

    |> Repo.all()
    |> Repo.preload(:author)

  def create_post(initiative, author, attrs) do
    result =
      |> Multi.insert(:post, Post.changeset(%Post{author: author}, attrs))
      |> Multi.insert(:association, fn %{post: post} -> end)
      |> Repo.transaction()
      # Stuff like this is where it can start to get really messy

The absolute JANK that I’m creating, basically having to fully implement Feed for each feedable item makes me think this is the wrong approach. It seems crazy to implement everything differently when the only thing that changes is how I interact with the join table.

In Ruby the obvious way to solve this would be through metaprogramming, is that the proper route here? What’s a better way to do this? I’m sure there are several.

Assuming the Initiative schema has the needed many_to_many associations, these functions could be shorter:

  def list_posts(initiative) do
   Ecto.assoc(initiative, :posts)
    |> Repo.all()
    |> Repo.preload(:author)

  def list_polls(initiative) do
    Ecto.assoc(initiative, :polls)
    |> Repo.all()
    |> Repo.preload(:author)

You could try to DRY this out further, but presumably Poll and Post are different somehow that might require different preloads.

Ecto.build_assoc sounds promising for the last part.

Thanks, that’s actually a big help for the list functions. I can actually get away without the protocol now.

Do you have any idea how to do the same for build_assoc with a many to many association without resorting to a protocol? When I call build_assoc, it only builds a blank post record. I end up having to add the record in the initiative_posts join table manually using insert_all in an Ecto.Multi transaction.

Below is what I have for the Feeds context now. Way more slick, so thanks for that!

defmodule Hydroplane.Feeds do
  import Ecto.Query

  alias Hydroplane.Repo
  alias Hydroplane.Feeds.Feed

  def list_feed_items(feedable), do: list_posts(feedable)

  def list_posts(feedable) do
    Ecto.assoc(feedable, :posts)
    |> order_by_date()
    |> Repo.all()
    |> Repo.preload(:author)

  def list_polls(feedable) do
    Ecto.assoc(feedable, :polls)
    |> order_by_date()
    |> Repo.all()
    |> Repo.preload(:author)

  def create_post(feedable, author, attrs) do
    case Feed.create_post(feedable, author, attrs) do
      {:ok, %{post: post}} -> {:ok, post}
      _ -> {:error, "Could not create post"}

  defp order_by_date(query) do
    from p in query, order_by: [desc: p.inserted_at]

Below is the protocol implementation for Initiative, which I’m not a fan of. I’d much rather be able to automatically create the record in the join table when I insert the post.

defimpl Hydroplane.Feeds.Feed, for: Hydroplane.Initiatives.Initiative do
  alias Ecto.Multi
  alias Hydroplane.Feeds.Post
  alias Hydroplane.Repo

  def create_post(initiative, author, attrs) do
    |> Multi.insert(:post, Post.changeset(%Post{author: author}, attrs))
    |> Multi.run(:initiative_post, fn _repo, %{post: post} ->
      insert_post_join(initiative, post)
    |> Repo.transaction()

  defp insert_post_join(initiative, post) do
    case Repo.insert_all("initiative_posts", [%{initiative_id: initiative.id, post_id: post.id}]) do
      {1, _} -> {:ok, "Associated post with initiative"}
      _ -> {:error, "Unable to associate post with initiative"}

Is there any way that I can dynamically build a changeset that inserts two records, one in post and one in the join table the many-to-many association uses?