Making a Req request with proxy

Hey there,

I’m trying to make a Req request with the following config, but I’m struggling a bit.

The curl I’m trying to make into a Req
curl --proxy --proxy-user user:pass -k ""
      url: url,
      connect_options: [
        proxy: {
    |> Req.get()

When I run this I get:
no case clause matching: {:ok, {"http", "", 22225}}

I’m trying to understand what options to pass through with req, but it doesn’t have any examples for me to reference.

Any help would be appreciated (edited)

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I haven’t tested but this should work:

  connect_options: [proxy: {:http, "localhost", 22225, []}],
  proxy_headers: [{"proxy-authorization", "basic " <> Base.encode64("user:pass")}]

There is hardly any documentation for this in Req (Req — req v0.5.6) and very scarce in Mint (Mint.HTTP — Mint v1.6.2) so if you get this to work, a PR with docs improvements would be very appreciated. We have an open issue, Support http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables · Issue #394 · wojtekmach/req · GitHub, to support http_proxy and https_proxy env vars so that would probably be even better way to solve this.


Hey thanks so much for responding!

The following code indeed worked.
  url: url,
  connect_options: [
    proxy_headers: [
      {"proxy-authorization", "Basic " <> Base.encode64("user:pass")}
    proxy: { :http, "", 22225, [] },
    transport_opts: [ verify: :verify_none ]
|> Req.get()

I’ll make a PR with updated docs. And if I can understand what’s going on with setting http_proxy and https_proxy, I will make a PR for that too when I have a moment. This is a great library! thanks for your efforts on this!


If your proxy has some sort of untrusted X509 cert but you want to use it anyway, you can also use :cacertfile instead of verify: :verify_none:
  url: "",
  connect_options: [
    proxy_headers: [
      {"proxy-authorization", "Basic " <> Base.encode64("user:pass")}
    proxy: { :http, "", 8888, [] },
    transport_opts: [ 
      # verify: :verify_none,
      cacertfile: "/mnt/c/chgeuer/FiddlerRoot.pem"
|> Req.get!()

🥌 CurlReq — CurlReq v0.100.0 can now do this for you!

import CurlReq
~CURL(curl --proxy --proxy-user user:pass -k “”)


  method: :get,
  url: URI.parse("http://“”"),
  headers: %{},
  body: nil,
  options: %{
    connect_options: [
      proxy: {:http, "", 22225, []},
      proxy_headers: [{"proxy-authorization", "Basic dXNlcjpwYXNz"}],
      transport_opts: [verify: :verify_none]
  halted: false,
  adapter: &Req.Steps.run_finch/1,
  request_steps: [],
  response_steps: [],
  error_steps: [],
  private: %{}