Managing many to many relationships

I have a quiz. and a question.
and relation is.

quiz many_to_many question
question many_to_many quiz
via quiz_question

Now, I want to have an api where I can write Quiz.update_quiz_with_question_ids(existing_quiz,[ qid_1,qid_2,qid_3]) which ends up relating question_ids and quiz_ids.

What I tried:

    update :update_quiz_with_question_ids do
      accept []

      argument :question_ids, {:array, :uuid} do
        allow_nil? false

    change manage_relationship(:questions, :question_ids, type: :direct_control)

which leaves with the following error

   errors: [
       field: :question_id,
       type: :argument,
       resource: PyqRatta.Databank.Question,
       changeset: nil,
       query: nil,
       error_context: [],
       vars: [],
       path: [],
       stacktrace: #Stacktrace<>,
       class: :invalid

So, I tried a little differently.

update :update_quiz_with_question_ids do
      accept []

      argument :question_ids, {:array, :uuid} do
        allow_nil? false

    change manage_relationship(:questions, :question_ids,            
               on_match: :ignore,
               on_lookup: :relate,
               on_no_match: :relate,
               # since we are adding more questions to the quiz.
               on_missing: :ignore)

and same error persists. Finally, did one more tweak.

defmodule Databank.Changes.QuestionsFromQuestionIds do
  @moduledoc """
  Fetches questions from database to udpate the relationship from questions to quizzes
  use Ash.Resource.Change

  alias  Databank.Quiz
  alias Databank.Question
  alias  Databank.QuizQuestion

  def change(changeset, opts, context) do
    quiz_id = Ash.Changeset.get_data(changeset, :id)
    qids = Ash.Changeset.get_argument(changeset, :question_ids)

    questions =
      Enum.reduce(qids, [], fn qid, acc ->
        {:ok, question} =
        acc ++ [question]

   Ash.Changeset.force_set_argument(changeset, :question_ids, questions)

along with

    update :update_quiz_with_question_ids do
      accept []

      argument :question_ids, {:array, :uuid} do
        allow_nil? false

      change Databank.Changes.QuestionsFromQuestionIds

      change manage_relationship(:question_ids, :questions, type: :direct_control)

the changeset is :

     api: Databank,
     action_type: :update,
     action: :update_quiz_with_question_id,
     attributes: %{},
     relationships: %{
       questions: [
         {[%{id: "39f41254-f959-4f1d-96d4-30500d96d8d1"}],
            ignore?: false,
            on_missing: :destroy,
            on_match: :update,
            on_lookup: :ignore,
            on_no_match: :create,
            eager_validate_with: false,
            authorize?: true,
            meta: [inputs_was_list?: false, id: :question_id],
            type: :direct_control
     arguments: %{question_id: "39f41254-f959-4f1d-96d4-30500d96d8d1"},
     errors: [
         errors: [
             field: :question_id,
             type: :argument,
             resource: Databank.Question,
             changeset: nil,
             query: nil,
             error_context: [],
             vars: [],
             path: [],
             stacktrace: #Stacktrace<>,
             class: :invalid
         stacktraces?: true,
         changeset: nil,
         query: #Ash.Query<
           resource: Databank.Quiz,
           load: [questions: []],
           errors: [
               errors: [
                   field: :question_id,
                   type: :argument,
                   resource: Databank.Question,
                   changeset: nil,
                   query: nil,
                   error_context: [],
                   vars: [],
                   path: [],
                   stacktrace: #Stacktrace<>,
                   class: :invalid
               stacktraces?: true,
               changeset: nil,
               query: #Ash.Query<
                 resource: Databank.Question,
                 filter: #Ash.Filter<id == nil>,
                 errors: [
                     field: :question_id,
                     type: :argument,
                     resource: Databank.Question,
                     changeset: nil,
                     query: nil,
                     error_context: [],
                     vars: [],
                     path: [],
                     stacktrace: #Stacktrace<>,
                     class: :invalid
                 select: [:id, :question_text, :question_image, :type,
                  :correct_answer_text, :correct_answer_image,
                  :explanation_text, :explanation_image, :short_description,
                  :long_description, :year, :tags, :created_at, :updated_at]
               error_context: [],
               vars: [],
               path: [],
               stacktrace: #Stacktrace<>,
               class: :invalid
               field: :question_id,
               type: :argument,
               resource: Databank.Question,
               changeset: nil,
               query: nil,
               error_context: [],
               vars: [],
               path: [],
               stacktrace: #Stacktrace<>,
               class: :invalid
         error_context: [nil],
         vars: [],
         path: [],
         stacktrace: #Stacktrace<>,
         class: :invalid

The reasoning behind this is : if manage_relationship can alter the fields via given relationship key. But that doesn’t appear to be the case for many to many


create an Api where
relation is.

quiz many_to_many question
question many_to_many quiz
via quiz_question

Quiz.update_quiz_with_question_ids(existing_quiz,[ qid_1,qid_2,qid_3]) which ends up relating question_ids and quiz_ids.

type: :append_and_remove. :direct_control will attempt to create, destroy and update questions to make the relationship look exactly like the provided values. So any given new value that is missing has to be enough input to call the corresponding create action. type: :append_and_remove will attempt to relate and unrelate existing questions.

 update :update_quiz_with_question_id do
      accept []

      argument :question_id, :uuid do
        allow_nil? false

      change manage_relationship(:question_id, :questions, type: :append_and_remove)

this doesn’t work either. same error. I can put a small demo repo, if you’d like

Ah, so the required argument bit is because arguments are required to be provided when the changeset is built. If you have an argument with allow_nil? false, you can’t set it in a change to avoid the error.

You should be able to do

argument :question_ids, {:array, :uuid} do
  allow_nil? false

change manage_relationship(:question_ids, :questions, type: :append_and_remove)

and then Ash.Changeset.for_....(%{question_ids: [....]})

If you just want them to add, and not remove ones they didn’t supply, then use type: :append

try running this test via

mix test test/pyq_ratta/quiz_test.exs:30 on branch feat/upload_questions

That makes sense.

However, even after trying that, tests fail. I suspect it is something else. :\

branch name is feat/upload_questions

I may have time to look tomorrow. Are you getting an error with that setup? Or how are your tests failing?

errors are:

                __exception__: true,
                changeset: #Ash.Changeset<api: PyqRatta.Databank, action_type: :update, action: :update_quiz_with_question_ids, attributes: %{}, relationships: %{questions: [{[%{id: "1085ee61-68b6-4bb8-ad7c-375b7129443f"}, %{id: "d86052e1-8feb-420b-92ce-17f5d35d9c07"}], [ignore?: false, on_missing: :ignore, on_match: :ignore, on_lookup: :relate, on_no_match: :error, eager_validate_with: false, authorize?: true, meta: [inputs_was_list?: true, id: :question_ids], type: :append]}]}, arguments: %{question_ids: ["1085ee61-68b6-4bb8-ad7c-375b7129443f", "d86052e1-8feb-420b-92ce-17f5d35d9c07"]}, errors: [%Ash.Error.Invalid{errors: [%Ash.Error.Query.Required{field: :question_id, type: :argument, resource: PyqRatta.Databank.Question, changeset: nil, query: nil, error_context: [], vars: [], path: [], stacktrace: #Stacktrace<>, class: :invalid}], stacktraces?: true, changeset: nil, query: #Ash.Query<resource: PyqRatta.Databank.Quiz, load: [questions: []], errors: [%Ash.Error.Invalid{errors: [%Ash.Error.Query.Required{field: :question_id, type: :argument, resource: PyqRatta.Databank.Question, changeset: nil, query: nil, error_context: [], vars: [], path: [], stacktrace: #Stacktrace<>, class: :invalid}], stacktraces?: true, changeset: nil, query: #Ash.Query<resource: PyqRatta.Databank.Question, filter: #Ash.Filter<id == nil>, errors: [%Ash.Error.Query.Required{field: :question_id, type: :argument, resource: PyqRatta.Databank.Question, changeset: nil, query: nil, error_context: [], vars: [], path: [], stacktrace: #Stacktrace<>, class: :invalid}], select: [:id, :question_text, :question_image, :type, :correct_answer_text, :correct_answer_image, :explanation_text, :explanation_image, :short_description, :long_description, :year, :tags, :created_at, :updated_at]>, error_context: [], vars: [], path: [], stacktrace: #Stacktrace<>, class: :invalid}, %Ash.Error.Query.Required{field: :question_id, type: :argument, resource: PyqRatta.Databank.Question, changeset: nil, query: nil, error_context: [], vars: [], path: [], stacktrace: #Stacktrace<>, class: :invalid}]>, error_context: [nil], vars: [], path: [], stacktrace: #Stacktrace<>, class: :invalid}, %Ash.Error.Invalid{errors: [%Ash.Error.Query.Required{field: :question_id, type: :argument, resource: PyqRatta.Databank.Question, changeset: nil, query: nil, error_context: [], vars: [], path: [], stacktrace: #Stacktrace<>, class: :invalid}], stacktraces?: true, changeset: nil, query: #Ash.Query<resource: PyqRatta.Databank.Question, filter: #Ash.Filter<id == nil>, errors: [%Ash.Error.Query.Required{field: :question_id, type: :argument, resource: PyqRatta.Databank.Question, changeset: nil, query: nil, error_context: [], vars: [], path: [], stacktrace: #Stacktrace<>, class: :invalid}], select: [:id, :question_text, :question_image, :type, :correct_answer_text, :correct_answer_image, :explanation_text, :explanation_image, :short_description, :long_description, :year, :tags, :created_at, :updated_at]>, error_context: [], vars: [], path: [], stacktrace: #Stacktrace<>, class: :invalid}, %Ash.Error.Query.Required{field: :question_id, type: :argument, resource: PyqRatta.Databank.Question, changeset: nil, query: nil, error_context: [], vars: [], path: [], stacktrace: #Stacktrace<>, class: :invalid}], data: #PyqRatta.Databank.Quiz<questions: #Ash.NotLoaded<:relationship>, questions_join_assoc: #Ash.NotLoaded<:relationship>, __meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "quiz">, id: "457b3c38-0874-41e8-b725-96aa3631fb8b", short_description: nil, long_description: nil, year: nil, tags: [], created_at: ~U[2024-01-11 03:35:07.410725Z], updated_at: ~U[2024-01-11 03:35:07.410725Z], aggregates: %{}, calculations: %{}, ...>, context: %{actor: nil, authorize?: false}, valid?: true>,
                class: :invalid,
                error_context: [nil, nil, nil],
                errors: [%Ash.Error.Query.Required{field: :question_id, type: :argument, resource: PyqRatta.Databank.Question, changeset: nil, query: nil, error_context: [], vars: [], path: [], stacktrace: #Stacktrace<>, class: :invalid}],
                path: [],
                query: #Ash.Query<resource: PyqRatta.Databank.Quiz, load: [questions: []], errors: [%Ash.Error.Invalid{errors: [%Ash.Error.Query.Required{field: :question_id, type: :argument, resource: PyqRatta.Databank.Question, changeset: nil, query: nil, error_context: [], vars: [], path: [], stacktrace: #Stacktrace<>, class: :invalid}], stacktraces?: true, changeset: nil, query: #Ash.Query<resource: PyqRatta.Databank.Question, filter: #Ash.Filter<id == nil>, errors: [%Ash.Error.Query.Required{field: :question_id, type: :argument, resource: PyqRatta.Databank.Question, changeset: nil, query: nil, error_context: [], vars: [], path: [], stacktrace: #Stacktrace<>, class: :invalid}], select: [:id, :question_text, :question_image, :type, :correct_answer_text, :correct_answer_image, :explanation_text, :explanation_image, :short_description, :long_description, :year, :tags, :created_at, :updated_at]>, error_context: [], vars: [], path: [], stacktrace: #Stacktrace<>, class: :invalid}, %Ash.Error.Query.Required{field: :question_id, type: :argument, resource: PyqRatta.Databank.Question, changeset: nil, query: nil, error_context: [], vars: [], path: [], stacktrace: #Stacktrace<>, class: :invalid}]>,
                stacktrace: #Stacktrace<>,
                stacktraces?: true,
                vars: []
       test/pyq_ratta/quiz_test.exs:41: (test)

error as Github Gist

just realised I had not pushed migrations. pushed now.

Weird I don’t see how you could be getting a required argument called :question_id when you don’t even have an argument anywhere in the question resource called :question_id.

Ah, never mind, you do :slight_smile:

This is the issue:

    read :read do
      argument :question_id, :uuid do
        allow_nil? false

      # to indicate that only one record will be returned
      get? true
      primary? true

      filter expr(id == ^arg(:question_id))

Your primary read action should not have required arguments. If it does, anything that tries to use it (like manage_relationship won’t know what to supply as the argument value.

I’d suggest leaving your primary read action as defaults [:read, ....] in most cases, and adding a separate action for your get.

Would never have guessed this error :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you so much ! :slight_smile: That works.

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