Map typespec question


There’s a definition for map literals:

  | %{}                                   # empty map
  | %{key: value_type}                    # map with required key :key of value_type
  | %{required(key_type) => value_type}   # map with required pairs of key_type and value_type
  | %{optional(key_type) => value_type}   # map with optional pairs of key_type and value_type
  | %SomeStruct{}                         # struct with all fields of any type
  | %SomeStruct{key: value_type}          # struct with required key :key of value_type

Does anyone know if

%{key: value_type}

implies the presence of optional(any) => any in addition to the required key?

It does not.

thanks! Just to be clear, this syntax is slightly inconsistent with the Struct, which does (ofc) imply the presence of keys “not in” the typespec literal

It does not. It behaves in exactly the same way the “normal” map typespec works.