Match floating point number in function head?

I am working on a protocol encoder & decoder. It has the quirk that if you wish to encode the maximum possible 64-bit floating point value then you don’t serialize it as all other values (namely the non-scientific full string representation) but only as a singular byte with the value zero.

Poking around on the net, and double-checking with Rust, I found that the value representing the maximum f64 has the byte representation of 0x7FEFFFFFFFFFFFFF. So we can decode it like so:

iex(1)> <<f::float-big-64>> = <<0x7FEFFFFFFFFFFFFF::unsigned-big-integer-64>>
<<127, 239, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255>>
iex(2)> f

Which looks (near-)identical to what Rust prints when you execute println!("{}", f64::MAX) in the Rust playground. So far, so good. But now I want to have an encoding function that recognizes the special value in its head and I can’t achieve it.

Obviously this does NOT work:

defmodule Codec do
  def encode_double(0x7FEFFFFFFFFFFFFF), do: <<0>>

  def encode_double(x) when is_float(x) do
    textual_float = Decimal.from_float(x) |> Decimal.to_string(:normal)
    textual_float <> <<0>>

And this works just fine:

defmodule Codec do
  def encode_double(x) when is_float(x) do
    case <<x::float-big-64>> do
      # If the value is f64::MAX i.e. `0x7FEFFFFFFFFFFFFF`
      <<127, 239, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255>> ->

      _ ->
        textual_float = Decimal.from_float(x) |> Decimal.to_string(:normal)
        textual_float <> <<0>>

In the REPL:

iex(3)> Codec.encode_double f
iex(4)> Codec.encode_double 3.14
<<51, 46, 49, 52, 0>>

Is there a way to match on that special floating-point value in the function head? Mind you, that value must pass the is_float guard; if it wasn’t for that requirement I could have just used the byte array value in the function head.

You’d need to write the specific value out:

defmodule Blah do
  def foo(1.7976931348623157e308), do: :nope
  def foo(_x), do: :ok

<<f::float-big-64>> = <<0x7FEFFFFFFFFFFFFF::unsigned-big-integer-64>> # => :nope

<<f2::float-big-64>> = <<0x7FEFFFFFFFFFFFFE::unsigned-big-integer-64>> # => :ok

IMO that format seems very strange; there’s a whole category of floats sitting right there (the NaNs / 0x7FF...s) that make better sentinel values.

I’d be worried that this is fragile but… apparently it’s stable? OK then! :smiley:

Absolutely, but it’s a rather old protocol and very often when you send certain requests you need several sentinel values sent… so they wanted to specifically optimize that hot path. Noble intention but indeed there are better ways.

The next-smallest possible floating point value is 1.7976931348623155e+308 to the same precision - 1.99584030953472e292 smaller. A parser that can’t tell the difference is broken! :stuck_out_tongue: