Merge maps with sort

I have two lists. one is Lang list with id. Another is sort order list with id.

    lang_list = [%{id: 1, name: "Elixir"}, %{id: 2, name: "Java"}, %{id: 3, name: "Ruby"}, %{id: 4, name: "Python"}]
    sort_list = [%{id: 3, sort: 1}, %{id: 2, sort: 2}, %{id: 4, sort: 3}, %{id: 5, sort: 4}, %{id: 1, sort: 5}]

I would like to merge both lists like following result.

result_list = [%{id: 3, name: "Ruby", sort: 1},
               %{id: 2, name: "Java", sort: 2},
               %{id: 4, name: "Python", sort: 3},
               %{id: 1, name: "Elixir", sort: 5}

What can I do for it?

  1. Merge sort id in last with same id.
  2. Sort maps by sort id

Please give me an advice.

I’d just append, group, merge, sort…

Roughly like this:

Enum.group_by(lang ++ sort, &(&
|> {_, [a, b]} -> Map.merge(a, b) end)
|> Enum.sort_by(&(&1.sort))
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It might be possible to use an even more optimized algorithm, but for that we need some more information:

  • How large are these lists in reality? Will they get longer and longer or are they of a fixed size?
  • Is the sort field always filled with consecutive numbers, or might it contain gaps?
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What if it has extra id in sort_list like this sample %{id: 5, sort:4} which contains id gaps?
I would like to avoid this error.

 The following arguments were given to anonymous fn/1 in XXXX/0:
        # 1
        {5, [%{id: 5, sort: 4}]}
  • How large are these lists in reality? Will they get longer and longer or are they of a fixed size?

These lists are more than thousands. not fixed size.

  • Is the sort field always filled with consecutive numbers, or might it contain gaps?

Yes I have to consider contain gaps.

  def merge_and_sort_language_pairs(lang_list, sort_list) do
    lang_list ++ sort_list
    |> Enum.group_by(& &
    |> Enum.filter(fn({_k, v}) -> length(v) > 1 end)
    |>{_id, lang_fragments}) ->
      Enum.reduce(lang_fragments, fn(lang, acc) ->
        Map.merge(acc, lang)
    |> Enum.sort_by(& &1.sort)

Homework: decipher it. :024:

Hmm. In that case, doing clever Radix-based solutions are out.

In this case I would already say that appending these two lists would be a bad idea, since this takes linear time based on the size of the first list.

My shot:

defmodule Foo do

  @doc """
  Combines two lists whose values are both supposed to be maps or structs that have an `.id`-field.
  Merges each of these maps/structs when they have the same `.id`,
  and returns the result as a list ordered by the `.sort`-field
  that these maps/structs are also expected to have.
  def combine_lists_of_maps_with_same_ids(list_a, list_b) do
    Map.merge(list_to_id_map(list_a), list_to_id_map(list_b), fn _, map1, map2 ->
      Map.merge(map1, map2)
    |> Map.values
    |> Enum.sort_by(&(&1.sort))

  @doc """
  Turns a list whose fields are maps or structs that have an `.id`-field,
  into a map where the keys are the values of these `.id`-fields.
  def list_to_id_map(input) do
    for x = %{id: id} <- input, into: %{}, do: {id, x}
def list_to_id_map(input) do
  for x = %{id: id} <- input, into: %{}, do: {id, x}

One thing I don’t like about for comprehensions is how I read them:

  1. for x = %{id: id} <- input from the beginning but read right to left
  2. do: {id, x} at the end
  3. into: %{} in the the middle

Makes me fell positively dyslexic; it’s enough to make me instead go with:

def to_id_kv(%{id: id} = x),
  do: {id, x}

def list_to_id_map(list),
  do:, &to_id_kv/1)

Your version leaves in records that have id and sort but do not have name, and I was left with the impression that the OP does not want that. (My code only leaves those records that have all 3 fields after a merge.)

Thank you all !!
My understanding is very slow. However I will try to catch up with your all advice step by step. It’s so helpful of you.