Merging URI query strings

URI.merge/2 overwrites the query field. I’m assuming this is by design/spec?

Right now I’m appending query params like so:

Map.update(uri, :query, nil, fn 
  q when is_binary(q) -> q <> "&" <> URI.encode_query(params)
  _ -> URI.encode_query(params)

Am I missing a different way of merging query strings?

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Correct: 5.2.2. Transform References

               if defined(R.query) then
                  T.query = R.query;
                  T.query = Base.query;

i.e. the official algorithm uses the Base URI query parameters only if the Reference URI doesn’t have any query parameters - otherwise the Reference URI query parameters are used while the ones from the Base are ignored.

Am I missing a different way of merging query strings?

I’d be inclined to manage this situation a bit differently:

iex(1)> uri = "" |> URI.parse()
  authority: "",
  fragment: nil,
  host: "",
  path: "/path/to/page",
  port: 80, 
  query: "name=ferret&color=purple",
  scheme: "http",
  userinfo: nil
iex(2)> query_decoded = URI.decode_query(uri.query)                         # use a Map instead of string
%{"color" => "purple", "name" => "ferret"}
iex(3)> my_uri = uri |> Map.from_struct() |> Map.put(:query, query_decoded) # Use a Map instead of URI struct 
  authority: "",
  fragment: nil,
  host: "",
  path: "/path/to/page",
  port: 80,
  query: %{"color" => "purple", "name" => "ferret"},
  scheme: "http",
  userinfo: nil
iex(4)> query_key = Access.key(:query, %{})                                 # returns ":query" value or empty map if missing
#Function<4.127282935/3 in Access.key/2>
iex(5)> query_merge = fn uri, params ->
...(5)>    merge_query_params = &(Map.merge(&1, params))                    # params is a map to accept more than one param; last name/value wins for duplicate names
...(5)>    update_in(uri, [query_key], merge_query_params)
...(5)> end
#Function<12.127694169/2 in :erl_eval.expr/5>
iex(6)> no_query = Map.delete(my_uri, :query)                               # remove existing query params
  authority: "",
  fragment: nil,
  host: "",
  path: "/path/to/page",
  port: 80,
  scheme: "http",
  userinfo: nil
iex(7)> my_weasel = query_merge.(no_query, %{name: "weasel"})               # add the first query params
  authority: "",
  fragment: nil,
  host: "",
  path: "/path/to/page",
  port: 80,
  query: %{name: "weasel"},
  scheme: "http",
  userinfo: nil
iex(8)> my_green = query_merge.(my_weasel, %{color: "green"})               # append more query params
  authority: "",
  fragment: nil,
  host: "",
  path: "/path/to/page",
  port: 80,
  query: %{color: "green", name: "weasel"},
  scheme: "http",
  userinfo: nil
iex(9)> query_encoded = URI.encode_query(my_green.query)                    # put it all together at the latest possible moment
iex(10)> new_my_uri = Map.put(my_green, :query, query_encoded)
  authority: "",
  fragment: nil,
  host: "",
  path: "/path/to/page",
  port: 80,
  query: "color=green&name=weasel",
  scheme: "http",
  userinfo: nil
iex(11)> new_uri = struct(URI, new_my_uri)                                   # dump map contents into URI struct
  authority: "",
  fragment: nil,
  host: "",
  path: "/path/to/page",
  port: 80, 
  query: "color=green&name=weasel",
  scheme: "http",
  userinfo: nil
iex(12)> URI.to_string(new_uri)

Thanks for the alternative approach. I did explore decoding the query also, and might go back to that as it feels a little more declarative.

Parsed %URI{}'s without a query string return nil under that field, so using decode_query/1 would need to take that into account.

Fair point.

The high level takeaway should be that while URI contains “Utilities for working with URIs”, it may not perfectly suit your needs. So it would make sense to create your own module (UriParts?) and perhaps struct that supports the way you need it to operate - while at the same time internally making full use of the URI module whenever possible (and defdelegate/2 when appropriate).


# uri_parts = UriParts.parse(uri_string)
# uri_parts = UriParts.from_uri(uri)

uri_parts = UriParts.query_merge(uri_parts, params)

# uri_string = UriParts.to_string(uri_parts)
# uri = UriParts.to_uri(uri_parts)

is preferable to having

Map.update(uri, :query, nil, fn 
  q when is_binary(q) -> q <> "&" <> URI.encode_query(params)
  _ -> URI.encode_query(params)

scattered all over the codebase.

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