Mint.WebSocket (github) (hex) is a library built on the awesome Mint (github) (hex) functional HTTP client.
Mint.WebSocket extends Mint’s process-less architecture with a handful of functions for upgrading connections to the WebSocket protocol and encoding and decoding WebSocket frames. For example, we can send and receive some frames from an echo WebSocket server:
# see
{:ok, conn} = Mint.HTTP.connect(:https, "", 443)
{:ok, conn, ref} = Mint.WebSocket.upgrade(conn, "/", [])
message = receive(do: (message -> message))
{:ok, conn, [{:status, ^ref, status}, {:headers, ^ref, resp_headers}, {:done, ^ref}]} =, message)
{:ok, conn, websocket} =, ref, status, resp_headers)
{:ok, websocket, data} =
Mint.WebSocket.encode(websocket, {:text, "Rock it with Mint.WebSocket"})
{:ok, conn} = Mint.HTTP.stream_request_body(conn, ref, data)
message = receive(do: (message -> message))
{:ok, conn, [{:data, ^ref, data}]} =, message)
{:ok, websocket, [{:text, "Rock it with Mint.WebSocket"}]} =
Mint.WebSocket.decode(websocket, data)
{:ok, websocket, data} = Mint.WebSocket.encode(websocket, :close)
{:ok, conn} = Mint.HTTP.stream_request_body(conn, ref, data)
message = receive(do: (message -> message))
{:ok, conn, [{:data, ^ref, data}]} =, message)
{:ok, websocket, [{:close, 1_000, ""}]} =
Mint.WebSocket.decode(websocket, data)
- HTTP/1 and HTTP/2 support through the same API
- although HTTP/2 WebSocket support is currently very limited among server frameworks
- support for Extensions
- the popular “permessage-deflate” extension is included in the library
- conformance checks with the Autobahn|Testsuite are built in to the CI
- performance is roughly on par with
(Autobahn|Testsuite comparison)