Hi all
I have a running Elixir app under 1.13.1-otp-24
. After I upgraded the app to 1.17.2-otp-26
the app stopped producing logs running under mix release. The updated environment produces logs as expected when I start it with iex -S mix
When I run the :logger.i(:handlers)
command, I see that somehow the default logger is missing on the upgraded release.
The same code running on 1.13.1-otp-24
Handler configuration:
Id: 'Elixir.Logger'
Id: default
Module: logger_std_h
Level: all
Id: error_logger
Id: ssl_handler
The same code running on 1.17.2-otp-26
Handler configuration:
Id: 'Elixir.Logger'
Id: error_logger
Id: ssl_handler
My logger config is in runtime.exs
as follows
config :logger,
level: :info,
translator_inspect_opts: [limit: :infinity]config :logger, :default_formatter, format: “$date $time $metadata[$level] $message\n”
Thanks in advance for yor comments.