Mix igniter.install hangs

Hi all,

I am creating a package and wanted to add igniter for the basic setup.
It isn’t yet published, but is at Faulty.

I tried using the igniter installer with the mix igniter.new test_app --install faulty@github:Hermanverschooten/faulty and that worked nicely.
I then made some changes and ran mix igniter.install faulty@path:../faulty to use my local dev version and that too works. Nice!

Now I wanted to test it against one of my real apps, I added {:igniter, "~> 0.4"} to mix.exs and ran mix deps.get and mix compile.

But when I run mix igniter.install faulty@path:../faulty, I get a list of applications analyzed and then it just hangs. When I run it with MIX_DEBUG=1 I get this at the end

==> admin
-> Running mix will_recompile (inside Admin.MixProject)
<- Ran mix will_recompile in 0ms
<- Ran mix deps.compile in 4181ms
-> Running mix igniter.install faulty@github:Hermanverschooten/faulty (inside Admin.MixProject)
-> Running mix compile --no-compile (inside Admin.MixProject)
-> Running mix loadpaths --no-deps-loading --no-compile (inside Admin.MixProject)
<- Ran mix loadpaths in 0ms
-> Running mix compile.all --no-compile (inside Admin.MixProject)
<- Ran mix compile.all in 5ms
<- Ran mix compile in 8ms

and then it hangs.
I have tried cleaning, even removing the whole _build folder.
Every time, it just hangs, and I don’t know why.

Hmm…the first thing that jumps out at me is this:

-> Running mix igniter.install faulty@github:Hermanverschooten/faulty (inside Admin.MixProject)

is that just you trying the GitHub installation version to see if that fixes it?

yes it was

Hm…I’m not able to reproduce.

Although this:

adds_deps: [{:faulty, github: "Hermanverschooten/faulty"}],

could be part of the issue? That is only for other deps you want to add, you don’t need to list your own package in that list. Try removing that.

I commented out that line and ran it again, still hangs at

==> admin
-> Running mix will_recompile (inside Admin.MixProject)
<- Ran mix will_recompile in 0ms
<- Ran mix deps.compile in 4370ms
-> Running mix igniter.install faulty@path:~/Projects/faulty (inside Admin.MixProject)
-> Running mix compile --no-compile (inside Admin.MixProject)
-> Running mix loadpaths --no-deps-loading --no-compile (inside Admin.MixProject)
<- Ran mix loadpaths in 0ms
-> Running mix compile.all --no-compile (inside Admin.MixProject)
<- Ran mix compile.all in 5ms
<- Ran mix compile in 9ms

I tried it on several other projects and there it works.

:thinking: do you possibly have some kind of recursive dependency by accident in your mix.exs file? If it works in other projects it would have to be something special about the one where it doesn’t work, right?

It gets even weirder, I just tried it on another computer, same project and it works.

It must be something corrupt in the source code in that folder.
I just cloned it into a new folder and there it works.
Sorry if I wasted your time.

Tried recursive diff of both sources? Or the deps folder?

nothing that pops up.