Just went to create the first app on a freebsd 11 digitalocean droplet and:
mix phx.new
mix phoenix.new
both give an error like:
* creating myapp/config/config.exs
** (File.Error) could not make directory (with -p) "myapp/config": no such file or directory
(elixir) lib/file.ex:208: File.mkdir_p!/1
(mix) lib/mix/generator.ex:29: Mix.Generator.create_file/3
lib/phoenix_new.ex:545: anonymous fn/5 in Mix.Tasks.Phoenix.New.copy_from/3
(elixir) lib/enum.ex:1755: Enum."-reduce/3-lists^foldl/2-0-"/3
lib/phoenix_new.ex:532: Mix.Tasks.Phoenix.New.copy_from/3
lib/phoenix_new.ex:233: Mix.Tasks.Phoenix.New.run/4
(mix) lib/mix/task.ex:294: Mix.Task.run_task/3
(mix) lib/mix/cli.ex:58: Mix.CLI.run_task/2
Thatās as the default freebsd user that is created when a droplet is created.
If I su to root, this is the result:
** (Mix) The task "phoenix.new" could not be found
Have I installed elixir/erlang as the wrong user?
Is this a permissions related error?
I had this before upgrading to 1.3. Is it normal to see both mix phoenix.new and mix phx.new after upgrading and running:
mix --help
mix phoenix.new # Creates a new Phoenix v1.2.4 application
mix phx.new # Creates a new Phoenix v1.3.0-rc.2 application using the experimental generators