Mnesia mystery inside Mix Task: problems writing data?

I have some problems using mnesia inside a Mix task. I saw this post but the solution did not seem to work for me. I used :mnesia.wait_for_tables([:my_table], 10_000) and still data does not persist. This ONLY happens in a mix task. If I run the same queries in an iex session, everything works.

Inside iex I can do this:

iex> :mnesia.transaction(fn -> :mnesia.write({:my_table, "x", "hello"}) end)
{:atomic, :ok}

then I can ctrl-c exit, start iex again and run this:

iex> :mnesia.transaction(fn ->{:responses, "x"}) end)
{:atomic, [{:responses, "x", "hello", 123}]}

and it works: mnesia remembers the value!

However, when I do the same inside mix task, it does not seem to remember. It can read what I write in iex however:

  def run(args) do
    {:ok, _} = Application.ensure_all_started(:my_app)
    x = :mnesia.transaction(fn ->{:my_table, "x"}) end)
    IO.inspect(x)  # <-- {:atomic, [{:responses, "x", "hello", 123}]}    

but if I do something like this :

  def run(args) do
    {:ok, _} = Application.ensure_all_started(:my_app)
    w = :mnesia.transaction(fn -> :mnesia.write({:my_table, "y", "hello"}) end)
    IO.inspect(w)  # <--- {:atomic, :ok}
    y = :mnesia.transaction(fn ->{:my_table, "y"}) end)
    IO.inspect(y)  # <---- {:atomic, [{:responses, "y", "hello2", 123}]}

and then I comment out the writing so it tries to read what I wrote previously, it does not work:

  def run(args) do
    {:ok, _} = Application.ensure_all_started(:my_app)
    # w = :mnesia.transaction(fn -> :mnesia.write({:my_table, "y", "hello"}) end)
    # IO.inspect(w)  # <--- {:atomic, :ok}
    y = :mnesia.transaction(fn ->{:my_table, "y"}) end)
    IO.inspect(y)  # <---- {:atomic, []}

When I run mix my_task the 2nd time, it does not remember the previously set y. It can read values that were written from inside iex, so this is maybe a clue.

I am hoping someone can show me what I am missing. I am sorry this is complicated to explain but I will try to share how I have my application starting:

Inside mix.exs:

  def application do
      extra_applications: [:logger],
      mod: {MyApp.Application, []},
      included_applications: [:mnesia],
      start_phases: [init: []]

(I think this start_phases is correct?)

Then inside application.ex:

  def start_phase(:init, :normal, _) do

Then inside InitMnesia:

defmodule InitMnesia do
  def setup() do"Setting up mnesia...")
    case schema_exists?() do
      true ->
        {:ok, :already_created}

      false ->
    case table_exists?(:my_table) do
      true ->
        {:ok, :already_created}

      false ->
          attributes: [:url, :response],
          disc_copies: [node()]
    :mnesia.wait_for_tables([:my_table], 10_000)

  def create_schema() do
    case schema_exists?() do
      true ->
        {:ok, :already_created}

      false ->

  def schema_exists?() do
    :mnesia.table_info(:schema, :disc_copies) != []

  def table_exists?(table_name) do
    Enum.member?(:mnesia.system_info(:tables), table_name)
