Module could not be found

Hey there,

I am currently doing this years Advent of Code and wanted to do it using Elixir, to learn a little bit about functional programming. I set up my local Elixir project the following way:

[xxx@desktop-arch advent_of_code_2023]$ ls
_build  data  deps  lib  mix.exs  mix.lock  test

The lib directory contains files for each day, the input data for each day is in the data directory. In the test directory, I have a advent_of_code2023.exs file that tests the results of all days:

defmodule AdventOfCode2023Test do
  use ExUnit.Case
  doctest AdventOfCode2023

  @moduletag timeout: :infinity

  test "day_1" do
    assert AdventOfCode2023.Day1.task1() == 57346
    assert AdventOfCode2023.Day1.task2() == 57345

Until day 8, that worked flawlessly (I know I am a little bit behind :D). I could simply test everything using mix test. However, in day 8 I want to use an external library for the lcm function, to see how that works in Elixir. I therefore did the following in the mix.exs:

  defp deps do
      {:math, "~> 0.7.0"}

Now in my day8.ex I did the following:

defmodule AdventOfCode2023.Day8 do
  import Math

  def task2 do
    [instructions, map, all_ending_a] = load_instruction_and_map()

    periods_for_reaching_xxZ =, &get_period_for_being_in_xxZ({instructions, 0, 0, 0}, {map, &1}))

      Enum.slice(periods_for_reaching_xxZ, 1, Enum.count(periods_for_reaching_xxZ)),, 0),
      fn current_period, lcm -> Math.lcm(current_period, lcm) end

Now my problem: mix test errors out because it can not find the Math module! The weird thing is, it works once after rebuilding, but the second mix test call fails:

[xxx@desktop-arch advent_of_code_2023]$ ls
_build  data  deps  lib  mix.exs  mix.lock  test
[xxx@desktop-arch advent_of_code_2023]$ rm -rf _build/
[xxx@desktop-arch advent_of_code_2023]$ rm -rf deps/
[xxx@desktop-arch advent_of_code_2023]$ mix deps.get
Resolving Hex dependencies...
Resolution completed in 0.005s
  math 0.7.0
* Getting math (Hex package)
[xxx@desktop-arch advent_of_code_2023]$ mix compile
==> math
Compiling 2 files (.ex)
Generated math app
==> advent_of_code_2023
Compiling 9 files (.ex)
warning: unused import Math

Generated advent_of_code_2023 app
[xxx@desktop-arch advent_of_code_2023]$ mix test
==> math
Compiling 2 files (.ex)
Generated math app
==> advent_of_code_2023
Compiling 9 files (.ex)
warning: unused import Math

Generated advent_of_code_2023 app
Finished in 0.1 seconds (0.00s async, 0.1s sync)
8 tests, 0 failures

Randomized with seed 764254
[xxx@desktop-arch advent_of_code_2023]$ mix test
warning: unused import Math


  1) test day_8 (AdventOfCode2023Test)
     ** (UndefinedFunctionError) function Math.lcm/2 is undefined (module Math is not available)
     code: assert AdventOfCode2023.Day8.task2() == 20220305520997
       (math 0.7.0) Math.lcm(18827, 17141)
       (elixir 1.15.7) lib/enum.ex:2510: Enum."-reduce/3-lists^foldl/2-0-"/3
       test/advent_of_code2023_test.exs:44: (test)

Finished in 0.1 seconds (0.00s async, 0.1s sync)
8 tests, 1 failure

Randomized with seed 380277

So my question is now whether I am doing something wrong here, but if thats the case why is it working once? Except this thread (Load module during Test) I did not found anyone with module problems only when testing. I tried the elixirc_paths approach in the thread but it did not help, probably because I am not really knowing what I am doing.

I would really appreciate any help with this, this is driving my slowly insane now :smiley: At least it works once after rebuild, so I could still claim the golden stars for day 8.

Best regards,

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It would make the debugging a lot easier, if you could provide us link to the git repository.

You are probably right… I made it public here: GitHub - Chr1s603/advent_of_code_2023: Advent of Code 2023

Just don’t judge the code too much, as I said I am pretty new to functional programming!

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OK, so the problem was in mix.exs on line 18, where there should be extra_applications: [:logger] instead of applications: [:logger].

It looks like you experimented there a bit and left it in incorrect state. :slight_smile:

Anyway, this is something I am a bit confused with too. See here for more info.

Some tips regarding the coding style that you may find useful:

  • do not use capital letters in the variable names
  • you can use Enum.slice(periods_for_reaching_xxZ, 1, -1) instead of Enum.slice(periods_for_reaching_xxZ, 1, Enum.count(periods_for_reaching_xxZ)) or even use Enum.drop(periods_for_reaching_xxZ, 1)
  • you can use Enum.filter(fn [pos, _] -> String.ends_with?(pos, "A") end) instead of Enum.reject(fn [pos, _] -> not String.ends_with?(pos, "A") end) I feel like there’s a double negation in the first variant
  • you can write
if reached_cnt >= 2 do
  idx - last_idx_when_reaching_pos_with_z
    {instructions, idx + 1, idx, reached_cnt},
    {map, next_pos}

instead of

cond do
  reached_cnt >= 2 ->
    idx - last_idx_when_reaching_pos_with_z

  true ->
      {instructions, idx + 1, idx, reached_cnt},
      {map, next_pos}
  • you can write, fn [pos, [l, r]] ->
  {String.to_atom(pos), [String.to_atom(l), String.to_atom(r)]}

instead of

|> [pos, [l, r]] ->
  [String.to_atom(pos), [String.to_atom(l), String.to_atom(r)]]
|> [pos, lr] -> {pos, lr} end)
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Thank you very much, that fixed it! Interesting that this line resulted in this… weird behaviour :smiley:

Also thanks for the free coding tips, I integrated them all and now it looks a lot cleaner!

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