@moduledoc false what does it mean "false"

The intelliJ generated the @moduledoc false but I dont know what does it mean and useful ?

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Unfortunately, that page in the getting started guide does not contain information on @moduledoc false (or @doc false). It does link to another page inside Elixir’s documentation, which does have information on this: writing documentation – hiding internal modules and functions.

To summarize:

Usually, @doc and @moduledoc receive a string, which is the documentation that will be used.

When typing @doc false, you indicate that this function should not be documented. This is usually the case if it is a public function that is not part of the public API.

@moduledoc false indicates that you have no intention of documenting any functions in this module, and that the whole module should be hidden from the documentation.

That IntelliJ’s auto-generated module includes this attribute is something that I find a little worrying; @moduledoc false is something to only be used in special cases where the current module is for internal use only. The default should be to give everything a little bit of documentation. @moduledoc "" would therefore be a more sensible default, in my opinion.


Yeah, I figured out it’s pretty obvious what false does once you read the page above. It’s like :nodoc: in Ruby for example.

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My atom plugin set currently does not put a moduledoc, which then causes credo to yell at me for not having one. I prefer this method as it is more noisy, I.E. more likely to make me document. ^.^

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