Mount does not send correct assigns in my code

I wrote this sample project to get more familiar with LiveView, but it gives me this error on going to the live route
assign @temp not available in eex template.

here is my code

defmodule ThermoWeb.ThermoLive do

  use Phoenix.LiveView
  alias ThermoWeb.ThermoView

  def mount(_params, socket) do
    {:ok, assign(socket, :temp, 32)}

  def render(assigns) do
    Current temperature: <%= @temp %>
    <button phx-click="set_temp">Set</button>

  def handle_event("set_temp", socket) do
    {:noreply, assign(socket, :temp, 24)}

The mount callback expects 3 arguments. Try:

def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
  {:ok, assign(socket, :temp, 32)}
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Thank you! The view now gets mounted but whenever I click on the button it does nothing. any help?

Oh right. handle_event also expects 3 arguments. Try:

def handle_event("set_temp", _params, socket) do
  {:noreply, assign(socket, :temp, 24)}
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I already did that before asking you :smiley:. Unfortunately, it still does not work, the event is not being fired I think!

I can’t see anything else that might be wrong. Can you provide more details?

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yes sure, what other parts of code you wanna see? After configuring LiveView following this I did not write anything except this and the route
live "/thermo", ThermoLive in router.ex.

Have you edited your app.js accordingly?

yes, I did. I cloned the example repo and it works fine. what could be wrong with my code?

Try opening your browser’s Developer Tools (usually Ctrl+Shift+I) and see what errors are there.

no errors there :open_mouth:.