Multiple elixir commands on iex -S mix


Is it possible that I execute two different commands when I use iex -S mix like you can do un unix bash using the && operator?

i.e.: I want to reload a module and test one of the module’s functions something like
r App.CoursesModule && App.CoursesModule.list_courses()

Hey @granyatee are you talking about running multiple mix tasks, or executing multiple commands inside the REPL that iex provides?

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if you are talking the mix command, you can achieve that with mix do
for example:
mix do task1, task2, task3

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Yeah, multiple commands inside the REPL

The REPL executes elixir code, which generally means functions are called one per line. So you’d do:

iex(1)> IO.puts("hello world")
hello world
iex(2)> IO.puts("wazzup")

You can put multiple commands on the same line and execute them unconditionally by separating them with a ;

iex(3)> IO.puts("hello world"); IO.puts("wazzup")
hello world

You can use && to conditionally call functions as long as prior functions returned something “truthy”

iex(4)> true && IO.puts("wazzup")
iex(5)> false && IO.puts("wazzup")

Basically it’s just Elixir code.


Just saw your edit, I’m pretty sure you want:

r(App.CoursesModule); App.CoursesModule.list_courses()
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Exactly what I needed.
