Murmur is a pure Elixir implementation of the non-cryptographic hash Murmur3.
It aims to implement the x86_32bit, x86_128bit and x64_128bit variants.
Add Murmur as a dependency in your mix.exs file.
def deps do [{:murmur, "~> 2.0"}] end
iex> Murmur.hash_x86_32("b2622f5e1310a0aa14b7f957fe4246fa", 2147368987) 3297211900 iex> Murmur.hash_x86_128("some random data") 5586633072055552000169173700229798482 # hashes of Erlang terms may change between Erlang versions iex> Murmur.hash_x64_128([:yes, :you, :can, :use, :any, :erlang, :term!]) 300414073828138369336317731503972665325