My First Elixir Library - RefData


I wanted to dip my toe into the water of open source so decided to build a simple library to save myself some hassle.

RefData can be used to parse and store reference or lookup data that does not need to be in your database (e.g. gender, months etc). Once you have created your `json’ data files you can use them in any project.

I have published it on and written a blog post Reference Data as a Service. It has been a great learning exercise and I would love feedback.

Thanks in advance.



Always great to see new libraries so thanks for contributing to the ecosystem.

Given the domain of your library, you might find the data that is built and managed by the Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) to be a useful source.

I use the data in a bunch of my libraries and you can find a wealth of reference data in the locale file for English. The format of the data is stable across CLDR releases (which happen twice a year) so its quite a solid foundation.