Hi folks,
Today I deployed my first Elixir & Phoenix (+LiveView) app into production, as a part of my learning process
It’s a simple app for delegating tasks.
- visit homepage at https://organizer.gigalixirapp.com/
- it will auto-generate a todo list at /foo-bar-baz slug
- you can add a bunch of todos
- you can add email address which will be notified, once all todos are complete
- you can share the link to list (delegate the tasks) with anyone you want
I deliberately tried to simplify the app to bare minimum. There’s no editing or reordering of todos, the slugs are auto-generated, there are no access rights restrictions, there’s no concept of “saving” the list itself, it’s identified by the URL that you can share/bookmark.
The code is rather dirty, as I am still learning, but feel free to have a look: https://github.com/josefrichter/organizer
What do you think?