Need Help error Duplicated modules: 'Elixir.Phoenix.View' specified in phoenix and phoenix_view

Hi All,

I am using below deps versions:

{:phoenix, “~> 1.5”},
{:phoenix_view, “~> 2.0”},

I am getting below error while running mix release

RUN mix release --overwrite
—> Running in 62456d7895bc2

  • assembling my_test-4.0.0 on MIX_ENV=prod
  • using config/releases.exs to configure the release at runtime
    ** (Mix) Duplicated modules:
    ‘Elixir.Phoenix.View’ specified in phoenix and phoenix_view
    ‘Elixir.Phoenix.Template.UndefinedError’ specified in phoenix and phoenix_view
    ‘Elixir.Phoenix.Template.ExsEngine’ specified in phoenix and phoenix_template
    ‘Elixir.Phoenix.Template.Engine’ specified in phoenix and phoenix_template
    ‘Elixir.Phoenix.Template.EExEngine’ specified in phoenix and phoenix_template
    ‘Elixir.Phoenix.Template’ specified in phoenix and phoenix_template
    The command ‘/bin/sh -c mix release --overwrite’ returned a non-zero code: 1

Please help to resolve this issue.

You don’t need :phoenix_view for phoenix versions <1.7. Those modules were part of phoenix before.

Thank you.

So I am getting this same error but I am not including :phoenix_view. Seems like phoenix_html is?