Need help testing emacs elixir-tree-sitter


I’m working on bringing tree-sitter-elixir to emacs tree-sitter-lang to make support syntax highlighting. The branch that I’m working on is here. You can clone and point to the package via load-path for or use-package if you using it. :slight_smile:

If you found any issue such as syntax highlight is the wrong color, comment on this thread or comment on Emacs tree-sitter support · Issue #4 · elixir-lang/tree-sitter-elixir · GitHub with mentioning me.

Thanks. :bowing_man:


Kudos for the effort! Do you have a step-by-step for Spacemacs? I suppose inserting use-package at the right place should be enough?


I didn’t use spacemacs in my daily life. But I can tell that it’s need to enable per major-mode via hook or enable it all. The package will know that what syntax should use base on major mode.

You can see it here for the resource about tree-sitter syntax highlight.


FYI, I’ve been testing this locally and it’s been working well for me (I just switched to your “treesitter-queries” branch), although it does seem a little slower than I’d like, but that might be similar to this nvim treesitter issue:


Thanks for your help and sorry for the late reply. I would keep an eye on that issue. :slight_smile:


No worries. Thanks for driving this forward!

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Sorry for disappearing for so long. I’ve got a bit busy from taking care my kid.

I would like to update the PR details here:

  • Update tree-sitter-elixir submodule to latest commit.
  • Update highlight query to conform tree-sitter-hl-mode.

I’ve encounter the issue on not in keyword and not sure how to solving this issue at the moment :confused: but I think the syntax highlight now looks ready.

If someone find any issue. Feel free to mention me in the PR comment or reply this thread.

Thanks. :bowing_man: