Nerves on Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W

I just recently got my hands on a raspberry pi zero 2 W and tried to run nerves on it. My attempts wasn’t very fruitful. Tried both the rpi and rpi0 targets but it doesn’t look like it boots, no splash screen.

Anyone knows if it should work or if I messed something up on my end?

The Raspberry Pi Zero 2W uses the rpi3a target.

You’re not the first person to stumble on this. See Rename project to nerves_system_rpi0_2 · Issue #130 · nerves-project/nerves_system_rpi3a · GitHub.

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Also worth noting that the splash screen is disabled by default and the console is being sent to the to UART pins. So if you’re attached to HDMI, you’ll see some logs but won’t be able to interact with IEx

Is there a reason on why this target is still missing from nerves documentation today?

That link is to the 1.7.3 docs. The latest docs have the RPi Zero 2W. Supported Targets — nerves v1.11.3.

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:man_facepalming: Thanks for pointing out! I really hate this google indexing of hexdocs.

I’ve been thinking about creating a GitHub Action that reruns the latest ex_doc on old versions and re-uploads docs to hex. Looking at old docs is not uncommon. Ex_doc now has a warning when you’re looking at an old version. Getting that update and all the other ex_doc goodness out there sure would be nice.

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