NervesHub v2.0.0 officially released

It is my pleasure to announce the official release of the new generation of NervesHub with the v2.0.0 release.

Containers are tagged. :package: Migration notes are … not really needed. And v1.x is officially dubbed Legacy NervesHub.

A lot of credit to Eric Oestrich, Josh Kalderimis and Jon Carstens for the bulk of the work and about 17 more people that contributed, big things and small, along the way. Company credit for responsible open source operations go to SmartRent more than anyone for pushing this along and funding people that worked on it. Also some credit to NervesCloud which is the company me and Josh Kalderimis have started to to provide a managed, hosted commercial-grade version of NervesHub.

NervesHub is now easier to run yourself, requires less infrastructure, is proven to scale to several hundreds of thousands of devices in production (we don’t know an upper bound) :chart_with_upwards_trend:

It has been running happily in production for some time so actually tagging the version 2 release is late and could have been comfortably done way earlier. Thank you to the people who asked for it or we might not have realized folks were waiting :man_facepalming:

Features, new and old

  • Easier onboarding of devices via Shared Secret
  • Secure device authentication via device certificates & NervesKey
  • Secure, signed and authenticated firmware delivery
  • Remote IEx console
  • File transfer via remote IEx console
  • Running scripts on connect
  • Running scripts on new firmware deploy
  • Non-firmware artifact delivery
  • Resilience to thundering herds via multiple mechanisms
    • Early TLS cancellation (reject early before expensive cryptographic work is done)
    • Rate limiting
    • Jitter
  • more…

Read the changelog for slightly more detail.

The most exciting thing is probably that this is not an end state for NervesHub. It may be moving faster than ever and we have major things planned. Some will be previewed at Code BEAM Europe in Berlin. Some will come when they are ready.

From all of us in the Nerves core team and working on NervesHub. Enjoy :slight_smile:

Questions and issue reports very welcome.


I meant to mention. The NervesHub docs need work. We are aware of that and it is in progress :slight_smile:

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